Wednesday 11 January 2017

How to Jazz Up Your Home – Decorating With An Impact

Once in a while we all feel the need to spice up our interior decor in our room – or the entire house for that matter. Adding some dramatic effects to the living room or creating a cosy family room could really jazz up your home interiors. When it feels like you need to design with an impact, here are a few tips to jazz up your home!
Work with a concept
Having a strong concept for decoration gives a direction to all your efforts. When you have a direction from the very beginning, you can work faster and better. With a clear concept, you do not ‘put together’ things and ‘make them work’ with each other, instead you focus on placing the various elements in accordance to the concept or theme.
Use unexpected materials and colours
Use of an unexpected object could introduce an element of surprise and help spice up a seemingly boring room. Unexpected colours could enhance the look of the place too. An unusual flower vase or an artefact could greatly influence the overall impact of the interiors. Basically, use things that people would otherwise not use – let your imaginations run wild!
Limit your colour palette
This point may sound contradictory to all the above points – but, using limited colours is actually a bolder move than using a wide colour palette. A few colours (even 2 – 3 colours) are enough to create just the right impact.
Simplify materials
In a sense, simplifying materials create the greatest impact on interior designs. For example, if you are using floral print for curtains, make sure that you maintain that throughout the design. If you selected a pattern print, make sure that it is maintained throughout the design.
Editing and re-editing is necessary
Edit your designs and make them minimalistic. A room that is crammed with the objects that clutter the place completely loses its focal point. The point is to have the right objects in the right places. It’s very easy to add one item after the other and end up cluttering the entire place. So, make sure that you edit and re-edit until there are just enough objects that add to the beauty of the place.
Mix and match
It’s very common to design your interiors in accordance to the architectural styles of the building or house. But you can get bold and use modern interiors even when the exteriors look traditional or use a traditional interior design in a modern house. The surprise element could make your home look unique and charming at the same time! So, think out of the box and create something different. It will definitely liven up your interiors and make an impact on the onlooker.
Designing with an impact need not always be about making some intense changes, it’s about finding the right objects to create that kind of an impact
Overall, make sure that the designs you choose, appeal to your eye and mood. After all you will be the one living there day in and day out!
Looking for decorating your home to create an impact? Check out our Ahmedabad interior designer directory and browse through the profiles of over a hundred interior designers and select the one best suited for your project!

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